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A MRAE legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: EFRS Állásfoglalások
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Benchmarking Document: Radiographers
    [2013.09.30.] - MRAE Web-szerkesztőség - Hírkategória: EFRS Állásfoglalások
    Since its establishment in 2008 the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) has worked towards clarification and better understanding of the role of the radiographer in Europe through conducting Europe--wide surveys, dissemination of information and in particular through defining the title “Radiographer” with a recommendation to use only this title in documents at the European level (appendix 2).
    European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Benchmarking Document: Radiographers
    The use of one title is essential to represent this specific group in health care, working in medical imaging, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. Of course this does not affect the use of all the different titles at the national level.

    The point of view of the EFRS is that, to meet the EFRS definition of a radiographer, the level of knowledge, skills and competence of a radiographer should be at level 6 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) [1], which is equivalent to the QF-EHEA [2] Bachelor level.

    You can download the whole article below.

    Kapcsolódó dokumentumok(1)


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