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Felhasználó név:

A MRAE legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: EFRS Hírek
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    EFRS & ECR 2018 - NEW "Shape Your Skills" program
    [2017.06.23.] - MRAE - Hírkategória: EFRS Hírek

    Kezdő radiográfusoknak továbbképzési lehetőség angol nyelven az EFRS által nyújtva.

    The ECR 'Shape your Skills' programme is dedicated to radiographers at the beginning of their career. 
    It supports 500 professionals by giving them free registration for the ECR and two night’s hotel accommodation.
    For full information click here.
    Application opens July 3rd until October 10th 2017
    Application is open to radiographers:
    • in their first five years of practice
    • who are active ESR members for 2017 (application for ESR membership 2017 is open until august 31)
    • who are submitters of a 'Shape your Skills' radiographer abstract
    Decision notifications will be sent by December 2017.
    Presentation at The Voice of EPOS
    Accepted abstracts will be presented as EPOS posters, as well as in dedicated radiographer sessions within the 'Voice of EPOS' session programme. They will be grouped into scientific, educational and professional topics as well as by country/region with the option to present in their native language.


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