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Az MRAE hírarchívuma

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    EFRS Survey 2 - 2012: Radiographer societies in europe
    [2013.06.30.] - MRAE Web-szerkesztőség - Hírkategória: EFRS Beszámolók
    Dear EFRS Members,
    On behalf of EFRS Board I herewith thank all of those who contributed to this report. Your efforts in replying to EFRS surveys gives us the opportunity to build a stronger Federation, by knowing more and disseminating
    information about our members.
    EFRS Survey 2 - 2012: Radiographer societies in europe
    To fulfil our role as the European representative of all radiographers working in Medical Imaging, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy, it’s crucial to have structured and up to date information.

    I would like to stress that this report belongs to each one of you and is to be used at national level according to your convenience.
    I herewith thank all EFRS Board members who contributed to this report, especially Sandie Mathers who, together with our CEO, made this report possible. 

    All the best
    Graciano Paulo
    EFRS President


    1. Information relating to Societies
    Membership numbers, fee, gender split, age, working population
    of radiographers, % of membership, postgraduate education,
    professional title, publications, developing standards, role of the
    radiographer, code of ethics, involvement in education and clinical
    2. Professional matters related to the current economic situation
    Employment, vacancies, changes to terms and conditions, starting salaries
    3. Evaluation EFRS activities
    Documents, communication
    4. Discussion

    1. National societies participating in the survey
    2. The gender of the society membership
    3. Membership numbers, estimate of radiographers working in the profession
    and ratio radiographers/inhabitants
    4. Ministry responsible for radiographer education

    The whole survey is in the attached file.

    Kapcsolódó dokumentumok(1)


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