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Az MRAE hírarchívuma

Hírkategória: Összes hírkategória
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom inaktív.

    Draft minutes of the 5th HENRE Annual Meeting 6th of March 2014 Austria Center Vienna
    [2014.03.31.] - MRAE Web-szerkesztőség - Hírkategória: EFRS Beszámolók
    Present: 41 delegates representing 26 universities from 17 countries
    See participants list - appendix 1

    Draft minutes of the 5th HENRE Annual Meeting 6th of March 2014 Austria Center Vienna
    EFRS Board: Sija Geers-van Gemeren (Chair and EFRS vice president), Graciano Paulo (EFRS president), Hakon Hjemly (treasurer) Csaba Vandulek (Board member), EFRS CEO: Dorien Pronk-Larive

    1. Welcome and introductions
    Sija Geers-van Gemeren, vice president of the EFRS, welcomed all delegates, and followed by a short introduction round of all participants.

    2. Minutes of the 4th HENRE annual meeting (2013)
    There were no questions or remarks and the minutes were approved unanimously.

    3. HENRE management team
    3.1 Report HENRE MT activities 2013 Louise Rainford presented an overview (app. 2). Most activities will be followed up in 2014. One of the main activities is the creation of an interactive research platform for radiography. Data are being collected and offers with details and cost to build a web based structure are requested. Form 1 was already distributed. From a total of 81 EFRS member organisations 59 have replied, which represents a 73% response rate. Form 2 (to the identified researchers) will follow soon. It was agreed to send the research forms 1 and 2 back to the responders for a last check before publishing the data these on line.
    3.2 Proposal for the organisation and election of the MT
    Sija Geers gave a short explanation about on why and how this proposal was prepared with the HENRE MT. There were no further questions and the proposal was approved unanimously.

    The whole report can be read in the attached document.

    Kapcsolódó dokumentumok(1)


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