“Radiography involves the safe use of ionising and non-ionising radiation to achieve a diagnostic or therapeutic health gain. Radiographers require an ability to interpret and effectively execute information referred from other health care professionals, in order to maximise health gain whilst minimising radiation dose to the patient. The profession of radiography is unique in that all of its practitioners accept individual
responsibility for minimising the radiation dose to both individual patients and the genetic inheritance
of the public at large”
The radiographer is a healthcare team member who interacts with other professionals in the primary and secondary healthcare environment to provide an optimum diagnostic or therapeutic outcome.
Radiographer education therefore requires that the curriculum covers a wide range of scientific, medical, pathological, sociological, ethical and technical subjects together with the development of appropriate clinical skills. The curriculum should also include the development of research and audit skills to ensure the constant improvement of service quality for the benefit of service users.
The whole statement can be found in the attached file.